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Communication Training

"You can not not communicate." Paul Watzlawick


We often underestimate the importance of successful communication. Communication means exchange, expression of our thoughts and feelings as well as interaction. Thus, communication is always followed by a reaction in all areas of life and with all of our conversational partners. "Proper" communication can have a very positive effect on the quality of our interpersonal contacts and therefore lead to fulfilling partnerships, family or professional relationships and constructive conflict resolution.


This training focuses on the basics of communication, the important theoretical models and levels of communication. In addition, the way in which misunderstandings arise is discussed and it will be worked on examples of how these can be eliminated or minimized.


With the help of practical exercises and role-plays, you will learn how to listen actively, how to adapt your communicational skills to your conversational partners and how to apply the knowledge of successful communication in private and professional practice.

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